Character Studies
The Mystery of Lot’s Death: How Did Lot Die in the Bible?
Let’s be honest, one of the strangest things about Lot’s story is how it ends... or rather, how it doesn't end. We know a lot about Lot's life—his...
Gatekeepers in the Bible: Roles, Duties, and Spiritual Significance Listen to our podcast on gatekeepers in the Bible As I’ve studied...
Who Is Damien in the Bible? Exploring Biblical Names and Christian Tradition
When we think about the names found in the Bible, we often expect to come across names like David, Mary, or Paul—names we can easily identify with...
Who Was Baptized Twice in the Bible? Understanding the Uncommon Event
Baptism has always held a special place in my heart. It's a profound and sacred act that marks the beginning of a believer’s journey with Christ. As...
A Closer Look At Who Obed-Edom Was In The Bible
Obed-Edom is a figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in the context of the Ark of the Covenant. After King David decided to move the...
What You Need To Know About Queen Esther’s Death
The Bible does not provide specific details about the death of Queen Esther. Her story, primarily recounted in the Book of Esther, concludes with...
An Informative Look at Who Deborah’s Husband Was In The Bible
Deborah was a prophetess and a leader of Israel. She's known primarily for her wisdom, leadership, and courage. The Bible mentions that Deborah was...
The Truth About Matthew’s Death In The Bible
In the Bible, Matthew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, is not said to have died within the texts of the New Testament. His death isn't recorded...
This is What You Need To Know About Who Andrew Is In The Bible
Andrew in the Bible is a figure of significant importance, known primarily as one of the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ. He was also the brother...